Component - Electrical Diary -->

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USB Data Diode: Enhancing Security and Data Protection

What is USB Data Diode? In an era of increasing cybersecurity threats and data breaches, organizations across various sectors are seeking robust solutions to protect their sensitive information. One…

Semiconductor Devices : Defintion ,Types and Application - Electrical Diary

What are Semiconductor Devices? Semiconductor devices are electronic components that use semiconductors to control the flow of electric current. These devices have become an essential part of mode…

atmega328 : Definition,Pin out and Application - Electrical Diary

What is atmega328? The ATmega328 is a microcontroller chip made by Atmel (now Microchip Technology Inc.). It is widely used in the Arduino platform and other DIY electronics projects. It has 28 pins…

Potentiometer : Definition, Pin Out , Working and Application - Electrical Diary

What is a potentiometer? A potentiometer is an electrical component that functions as a variable resistor. It is commonly used as a voltage divider to adjust the voltage level of a circuit, control t…

obd2 : Definition,Pin out diagram and Application - Electrical Diary

What is obd2? OBD-II stands for "On-Board Diagnostics, Second Generation," and is a set of standards for vehicles' self-diagnostic and reporting capability. OBD-II is used to monitor t…
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