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Basics of Two’s Complement: Method and Examples

Let's understand the binary numbers system before moving to the Two's Complement. A binary number is the most common number system used in computers and digital devices. It contains only two …

Magnetic Material : Definition , Types and Application - Electrical Diary

What is Magnetic material? Magnetic materials are materials that exhibit a property called magnetism. Magnetism is the ability of a material to produce a magnetic field, which can either attract or …

Solar Energy : Definition, Use and Limitation - Electrical Diary

What is Solar Energy? Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is derived from the sun's light and heat. It is harnessed through the use of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are used to conv…

Electric displacement and its Application - Electrical Diary

What is electric displacement? Electric displacement, also known as electric flux density, is a vector quantity in electromagnetism that represents the flow of electric charge in a dielectric materi…

Clausius-Mossotti equation for dielectric material - Electrical Diary

What is Clausius-Mossotti equation? The Clausius-Mossotti equation is a relationship between the relative permittivity (εr) of a dielectric material and its molecular polarizability (α). The equation…

Electric polarization , Polarizability and Permittivity - Electrical Diary

What is Electric polarization? Electric polarization refers to the separation of electric charges within a material in response to an external electric field. When an electric field is applied to a m…

Potential and Potential Energy Density due to Charge - Electrical Diary

What is Potential Energy? Potential energy due to electric charge is the energy associated with the interaction of electric charges. It is a scalar quantity that depends on the magnitude and distrib…

Multipoles: Concept of monopoles and dipoles- Electrical Diary

What is multipoles? In electromagnetism, a multipole refers to a distribution of electric charge or magnetic moment that is not uniform. The most common types of multipoles are monopoles (single cha…
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