EMT - Electrical Diary -->

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Magnetic Material : Definition , Types and Application - Electrical Diary

What is Magnetic material? Magnetic materials are materials that exhibit a property called magnetism. Magnetism is the ability of a material to produce a magnetic field, which can either attract or …

Ampere’s law : Definition, Explanation ,Formula and Application - Electrical Diary

What is Ampere’s law? Ampere's law is one of the four Maxwell's equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. It states that the total magnetic field around a closed …

Hall Effect : Explanation and Application - Electrical Diary

What is  Hall effect? The Hall effect is a phenomenon where a voltage is generated perpendicular to an electric current in a conductor in the presence of a magnetic field. The Hall voltage, also kno…

Motion of Charge Particle in Electric and magnetic fields - Electrical Diary

Motion in E and B fields Electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields are two fundamental fields that govern the behavior of charged particles. Motion in an electric field A charged particle moving in an el…

Ampere’s law : Definition,Formula and Application - Electrical Diary

What is  Ampere’s law? Ampere's law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism that relates the magnetic field (B) to the current (I) that produces it. The law states that the magnetic field…

Magnetic and Electric Field due to Moving Charge Particle - Electrical Diary

Field Due to Moving Charge Particles  Electric and magnetic fields are generated by a moving charge according to Maxwell's equations. The electric field (E) due to a moving charge can be describ…

Divergence, Poisson’s and Laplace equation - Electrical Diary

What is divergence? The divergence of a vector field is a scalar quantity that describes the rate of change of the field with respect to position. It is a measure of how much the field is spreading …

Explanation of Maxwell first Equation and its Physical Significance - Electrical Diary

What is Maxwell's first equation? Maxwell's first equation is one of the four Maxwell's equations, which describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with…
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