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Theory of Electrical Energy Measurement | How Electrical Energy is measure? By Electrical Diary

Theory of Electrical Energy Measurement Electric energy flow into two types of circuit i.e in  DC circuit and an AC circuit.  These two different types of circuits consist of the same electrical para…

Multimeter :What are the Types Of Multimeters and its Applications

Multimeter Multimeter - Multimeter which is also known as VOM (means volt ohm milliammeter) is an electronic measuring instrument that consists of several measuring functions in a single unit. …

Galvanometer (Moving Coil Type)

Galvanometer works on the principle when a current carrying conductor is kept in a magnetic field then it experience a force .it is a electromechanical  instrument which use to detect electric char…

Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) Instrument

What is PMMC Instrument? In this type of instrument, deflection occurs due to the movement of a coil therefore it is called a moving coil instrument or simply an MI instrument. This type of instrum…

Electrical Measuring Instrument | Analog and Digital Multimeter

Electrical Measuring Instrument - In order to ensure the quality and efficiency of a device made by an engineer it is important it should be able to measure accurately electrical quantity. the in…
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