Regular Hexagon: Definition, Properties,Perimeter and Area Formula - Electrical Diary -->

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Regular Hexagon: Definition, Properties,Perimeter and Area Formula

Regular Hexagon

A two-dimensional closed shape is known as a polygon. A polygon may have three, four, five,, or more than five sides and each side is a segment of a straight line. if a polygon has six regular sides of equal length then this polygon is known as Regular Hexagon. A Regular Hexagon has been given below:
Regular Hexagon

Properties of Regular Hexagon

  • It has six sides and six angles.
  • The lengths of all the six sides are equal.
  • All six angles are also equal in magnitude.
  • it has a total of 9 diagonals.
  • Measurement of  Each interior angle will be 120 degrees.
  • The sum of all interior angles will be 720 degrees.
  • The measurement of each exterior angle will be 60 degrees.
  • The sum of all exterior angles will be 360 degrees. 
  • The region enclosed by a regular hexagon is equal to the called area of the hexagon.
  • The perimeter of the hexagon will be the total length of all six sides.
  • The shape has nine diagonals, which means the lines between the interior angles.

Perimeter of Regular Hexagon

The sum of the length of all the sides of a given polygon is known as the perimeter. Since a regular hexagon consists of six regular sides of equal length. Hence its perimeter will be the sum of the length of all six sides. If the length of sides of each side is a unit.
Perimeter of hexagon = a+a+a+a+a+a
Perimeter = 6a
Perimeter =6\times Side\ of \ hexagon

Area of Regular Hexagon

The region enclosed by all the six sides of the hexagon is called the area of the hexagon. The regular hexagon can be divided into six isosceles triangles. As shown in the figure given  below
if the side of the hexagon is a unit then its area will be calculated by the formula 
A =\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}\times a^{2}

Diagonal of Hexagon

There are a total of nine diagonals that can be drawn in a regular hexagon. there is no standard formula defined to calculate the length of an irregular hexagonal but in the case of a regular hexagons it can be divided into six isosceles triangles then it becomes easy to calculate the length of the diagonal. Let the length of the side of a regular hexagon is a unit then the diagonal of regular hexagon will be 
Long \ Diagonal = 2a
Short \ Diagonal = \sqrt{3}a 

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