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Quantisation of charge | Quantization of charge -Electricaldiary

 What is Charge?

A charge is an intrinsic property of any material.it was the first time discovered by greeks. The concept of charge comes into existence when a material Called Amber is rubbed with other material then Amber got the property of attracting a small piece of another substance. Doing many Experiments British Scientist Dr. William Gilbert Has found that not only Amber but Every Object gained the property of attracting small Pieces of other objects after rubbing. 

This attractive nature of the object was called Electricity 1946 by Thomas Brown. Since this Electricity was produced due to Friction, so it is called frictional Electricity. 
An object which got the property of attraction is known as a charged object.

Quantization of charge

Quantization of charge | Quantization of charge 

Quantization of charge means the charge is quantized. Quantized means something that exists in a fixed amount.it means that the charge always exists in a fixed amount. The minimum amount of charge is called absolute charge. In nature, the amount of the minimum charge is considered as the charge of the electron. Yet now no object or particle is found which has less charge as compared to the electron.

 Hence Charge of the Electron is known as absolute charge and is equal to the -1.6 x 10-19Columb. Charge of Electron is represented by Small Letter of English Alphabet e.  According to Quantisation of Charge Charge, anybody is always an integral Multiple of charge of Electron i.e Integral Multiple of e.
e =-1.6 x 10-19Columb

By Experiment, it is found that the magnitude of the charge of any charged body is always an integral multiple of absolute charge. The reason behind this is that whenever an object is charged then either it loses Electrons or gains electrons and during this process, a definite number of electrons get transferred. 

The number of transfer electrons will be always an integer or Whole number. Hence charge on anybody is always an integral multiple of the charge of electrons. Let an object after being charged accuqure Q coulomb of charge then it may be written as

Q = ne

n = number of electrons lost or gained by the object
e = magnitude of Charge on electron

1 coulomb equals how many electrons

From the quantization of Charge, it is clear that charge on any object is always an integral multiple of absolute charge which is equal to -1.6 x 10-19Columb. By using the above  formula 
Q = ne
n = q/e
n = 1/(-1.6 x 10-19)
n = 0.625 x 1019
n = 625 x 1016
no of total electron present in one-coulomb charge is   625 x 1016

Charge of Electron | Charge on Electron

We all know that Electron Protons and Neutrons are fundamental particles of any object. These all three particles exist inside the atom. Inside the atom Proton and Neutron exist in the Nucleus and Electrons revolve around the nucleus in a fixed orbit.

 Electrons and Protons are charged particles whereas Neutrons are electrically Neutral. Charge on electrons and protons are equal in magnitude but opposite in nature. The magnitude of the charge on an electron is 1.6 x 10-19Columb. Since Electron is a negatively charged particle so a negative sign is put in front of the magnitude of charge.

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