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Direct Current and Voltage : Complete Detail About DC Voltage and Current

Before going to talk about the Direct current and Alternating Current, it is essential to know about what is current? Because once the Concept about current is clear then it will be easy to diff…

Working principle of P-N Junction in Forward Bias Condition - Electrical Diary

Working principle of P-N Junction in forward Bias When the P-N Junction is forward Bias, the current from the P-N Junction does not flow until the voltage applied between the ends of the P-N Junc…

Difference Between Drift Current and Diffusion Current

What is the drift current? At normal temperatures, when the voltage is applied by connecting the ends of a conductor or semiconductor to battery's terminal, a strong electric field …

P-N Junction Diode Working and Construction By Electrical Diary

PN Junction Diode When P-Type and N-Type semiconductors are connected by a special method, the place where these two semiconductors are connected to each other is called P-N Junction . The device…

Structure of Semiconductor material and Energy Band Theory

What is the Structure of a Semiconductor? We all know that inside an atom the distribution of electrons is in the shell and sub-shell and each shell is at a certain distance from the nucleus and ea…

Atomic Structure : A brief of atom structure by Electricaldiary

According to Neil Bohr, the structure of the atom is planetary. The center of the atom has a region called the nucleus and in this nucleus, protons and neutrons coexist. This central part can be un…

Transformer : Working Principle Types and Applications

What is a Transformer? A transformer is a static electrical device which consists of two or more electric circuit which is linked by a common magnetic circuit. This magnetic circuit transformer e…
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