February 2020 - Electrical Diary -->

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Showing posts from February, 2020

Transformer : Working Principle Types and Applications

What is a Transformer? A transformer is a static electrical device which consists of two or more electric circuit which is linked by a common magnetic circuit. This magnetic circuit transformer e…

Difference Between Fleming's Right hand and Left hand Rule

When a current-carrying conductor is kept in a magnetic field then this current-carrying conductor experiences a force perpendicular to the plane in which these two parameters magnetic field and cu…

Charge Of Electron and Proton | Mass of Electron and Proton -ElectricalDiary

Electron, Proton, and Neutron are the fundamental particles of an atom. The behavior of electron proton and neutron tells about the behavior of atoms. In any isolated atom number of electron and p…

Theory of Electrical Energy Measurement | How Electrical Energy is measure? By Electrical Diary

Theory of Electrical Energy Measurement Electric energy flow into two types of circuit i.e in  DC circuit and an AC circuit.  These two different types of circuits consist of the same electrical para…

Types of Electric Breaking | Regenerative break | Reverse Current Breaking | Rheostatic Breaking

Definition of Electric Braking A smooth and safe reduction in the speed of the electric motor is called electric braking. The application of motors, it requires a quick, accurate, or rapid stop of …

Armature resistance Control Of DC Motor | Rheostatic Speed Control of Dc Motor

What is the Armature Control Method of DC Motor? Armature resistance Control Of DC Motor- In this method of speed control of DC motor, an external variable resistor is connected in series with t…

Speed control methods of DC motor - Electrical Diary

What is a Starter? The starter is an electrical device that is used to start a dc motor. the purpose of using a starter to start a dc motor is that the starter gives smooth and control the start of …

Multimeter :What are the Types Of Multimeters and its Applications

Multimeter Multimeter - Multimeter which is also known as VOM (means volt ohm milliammeter) is an electronic measuring instrument that consists of several measuring functions in a single unit. …

Armature Reaction in DC Motor

Definition of Armature reaction- Interaction between main field flux (which is generated by the stator on supplying the external current) and the induced field flux ( which is generated in the arma…

Difference between Primary and Secondary Instrument - Electrical Diary

Primary or absolute instrument -  Primary or absolute instrument are those instrument which indicates the quantity to be measured in term of constants of instruments and in order to find out consta…

Difference between induction motor and synchronous motor

Ac motor are classified into two main type.(a) Synchronous Motor and (b) Asynchronous motor. Generally asynchronous motors are called induction motor.Synchronous and asynchronous  both motor  are …

Advantage and Disadvantage of nuclear power plant

The nuclear power plants are only source which can full fill the future demand of electrical energy of the world.Nuclear power plants have the following advantage and disadvantages. Advantage o…

Nuclear reactor Component

Component of Nuclear reactor - Nuclear reactor is the heart of nuclear power plant.In nuclear power plant,nuclear chain reaction takes place and due this chain reaction huge amount of heat energ…

Parts of Nuclear Power Plant

What is Nuclear Power pant ? The nuclear power pant is the only source which  can supply the future demands of the world.The initial capital cost of nuclear power plant is very high.Radio active…

Types of Nuclear Reactor - Electricaldiary

Nuclear Reactor - Nuclear reactor is the main part of the nuclear power plant. In a nuclear reactor, the main chain reaction takes place and generates a huge amount of heat energy. The generated h…
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